

THE MED A shop that sells unique wines from Mediterranean countries such as Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, and France, with a focus on Italian wines. You can also eat a glass of wine and snacks from the Mediterranean region in the store. I made a sketch based on the Roman capital body used for inscriptions during the Roman Empire, which ruled the Mediterranean region.

「THE MED」ロゴタイプ




“THE MED” logo type The Roman Capital body used in the inscription commemorating the victory of Emperor Trajan was completed in the late 1st and early 2nd centuries BC. Its proportions and lines still do not feel old. Since the letters originally written with a flat brush are engraved on the marble, the thickness of the axis of the letters changes slightly, and the nuances of the brush remain in the dialogue. I drew such a Roman capital body with the same proportions, and sketched and produced it with the brush strokes left. It has become a tasteful logotype not found in commercial fonts.



カリグラフィーの技術を活かし、ウインドウに手描きで製作。15世紀に発展したイタリック体で描き、周りにはサルバドール・ダリの言葉 —「偉大なるワインを作るには、次なる人たちが必要である。狂人がぶどうを育て、賢者がそれを見張り、正気の詩人がワインを造り、愛好家がそれを飲む。」を描きました。

Window Graphic Utilizing calligraphy techniques, hand-drawn on the window. It is written in Italic script developed in the 15th century, with Salvador Dali's words around it - "great wine requires, a madman to grow the vine, a wiseman to over it, a lucid poet to make it, and a lover to drink it."
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